Dear Reader:

Welcome to Green Mansion Press, a new company devoted to republishing quality literature for children and young adults.

As a parent, I have become concerned about the current state of children's and young adult literature. Harry Potter notwithstanding, I believe that too many of today's books are grim, bleak stories written for the purpose of exposing young readers to modern social issues instead of simply telling a good story from the heart. At the same time, many wonderful books that I read growing up have gone out of print. It's not that these books from 25 or more years ago present a perfect world; but they entertain rather than inculcate, are well-written instead of just serviceable and are basically optimistic, even when cynicism abounds.

Each book Green Mansion Press republishes is a first-rate story and something that I would want my children to grow up reading. If you have other books that you would like to see republished, I would love to hear from you. Together we can keep great stories from going out of print.

Madelene Towne
President, Green Mansion Press LLC

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